Prezentazjoni ta’ Kotba lill-President ta’ Malta

Fuq stedina tal-President ta’ Malta l-E.T. Dr. George Vella, it-Tlieta 11 ta’ Frar saret ċerimonja fil-Palazz ta’ Sant Anton fejn ġew prezentati koppja tal- Pubblikazzjonijiet li jitrattaw l-istorja tal-każini tal-banda. Fid-diskors ta’ l-okkazjoni il-President Dr. Vella tkellem fuq l-importanza li l-għaqdiet mużikali għandhom mhux biss fir-riġward tal-kultura mużikali ta’ pajjizna, imma ukoll fuq livell lokali.

Enhancing Wind Instruments in Malta

Musical Conducting Workshops and other related material by Mro. Helge Haukus & Mro. Giampaolo Lazzeri. These worksop are being co-financed under the Training Initiative Scheme Last Monday the 17th February 2020 the first part of the course was concluded by Mro. Haukas. We would like to thank Mro. Haukas for the professional way he has

Meet the ladies of the band

An article published by PINK magazine which discusses how our local wind band societies are now welcoming more female musicians and members within their executive committees, band members and musical schools. The article also looks at how these women are constantly working to fight the band societies’ glass ceilings. As an association we are